Sunday, June 20, 2010

5 Min Nap

Light of wallet and even lighter of heart
Three Asian bankers in an adventure took part
Each had a skill which he brought to the table
Something he excelled at, that the others weren't able

Vic could sleep, anywhere and anytime
Had a penchant for cheese, but struggled to rhyme
Pete liked to fart and board the odd luxury yacht
Even if his mates, he sometimes forgot
Yao Ming was tall, but his gift was his snore
He could rattle any hostel room, right to its core

They each had different favs, of the places they went
But agreed the Croatian girls were the ones heaven sent
None knew what was next to do or to see
They were all just so happy, not to be at DB

Written Aug 2009, just discovered this poem on the back of a plane ticket. Was written while travelling with two mates, during a mandatory 5 min nap break (Thanks Vic).

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