Monday, May 11, 2009

The Understudy

It takes mere minutes for the eyes to tire
Each page dwindling enthusiasm's fire
Woke up this morning committed to the plan
Until distraction set in and procrastination began

Have counted the pages, time and again,
Yet not getting any closer, to the chapter's end
Read it all before, but the mind's a clean slate
It’s a foregone conclusion, left my run too late

Read the same sentence, till my visions blurs out
And still couldn't say what the chapter's about
Awake with a start, unaware I had slept
Hours have passed, my approach is inept

Fear kicks in, and brings adrenalin along
The mist parts an inch, suddenly focus is strong
A sliver of light penetrates the dark in my head
It’s all flooding back, words previously read.

Grasping this new development as if life relies
On absorbing every word in front of my eyes
Its mere hours until I'll be put to the test,
The goal is just to get through, know it won't be my best.

It’s amazing how many times I've been here before
Know starting earlier would have trebled my score
But it’s only under pressure that the fire can ignite
Each performance a result of the previous night

Sure I could have done better than rest on my laurels
Not relinquished to temptation, of both mind and morals
But it’s too late now for a false resolution
Time to pray for a question with a familiar solution....

Written May 09, in an attempt to find any distraction while I was supposed to be studyin (obviously) for my CFA.